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what is an inference?




  1. When you infer something, you're taking something you hear or read, and guessing at what's NOT being said outright. That is, you're coming to a conclusion about the real meaning. The act of inferring is "inference".

    Example: He always changed the subject about his past, so I inferred he had something to hide. As it turned out, my inference was correct.  

  2. Inference is the act or process of deriving a conclusion based solely on what one already knows

    Simply put, this means that you know several facts that lead you to believe something is true or untrue.

    For instance... My best friend has something to tell me and she's excited about it.  I know that my best friend loves dogs.  I also know that she hasn't been able to have a dog because she lives in an apartment, but she just moved to a house that she bought and it has a big fenced yard.  When she meets me to tell me her news, her sweater is covered in long white hairs and she is carrying a shopping bag that has a bunch of dog toys and bowls and food in it.

    These are all facts.  If I put all that together in my head, I can infer (or I believe) that she has gotten a new dog.

    Does that help?

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