
Does anyone know websites for girls 10-12 about journalism/writing?

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Make sure it is safe, parents have approved it and that girls that love to write, and would like to be a journalist love it. Also make sure bad people won't get to know where they live, there personalitys and any personal stuff like that.




  1. I suggest Room to Write (R2W:

    The site is all ages. There are a couple members who are teenagers and alot of the writers are parents themselves.(Example of my friend's profile:

    The adminstrators make sure that everything is appropriate for the younger writers.

    Alot of the members are published writers and poets from around the world. One member is a teenage girl in England who was named a Foyle Young Poet of the Year for 2007 which is Britain's most prestigious poetry prize for young writers between the ages of 11-17.

    Anyway, It is such a fun & friendly community and the members are focused on making each other better writers. I've become a much better writer since I've joined.

  2. I don't know yet if there are any websites or resources for young people specifically for career guidance about journalism but you might want to check out which is the channel for young people. The url is:

    It is a famous place and very safe for kids. It is designed for kids and families and teachers.

    One of the best sources for learning how to do something is to go where they are actually making careers out of that exact thing and talk to the people there or just watch what they are doing.

    Here is the url for how to contribute to Channel One:

    I know there are lots more resources out there and I'll look up some more for you and add to this post later.

    EDIT TO ADD:  Hidden Heroes gives kids a chance to be reporters:

    Practice Newspaper Story project:

    The TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search:

    CRAYON: Create Your Own Newspaper:

    High School Journalism:

    YouthInk (be sure to check out all the links on the upper right of the homepage - for kids, teachers, parents, etc.):

    Kids' Corner: Your Journalism Questions

    Kid's Free Souls:

  3. Check out the Beacon Street Girls website -- all kinds of games, activities, crafts, contests, quizzes and, if you join the free online club (where you create a user name and your own password), you can post messages, get and give advice (safely and anon.) from girls all over the world. Plus the Beacon Street Girls (from the books) reply to messages too.

    Right now, everyone is hanging out on Beacon Street in the Tower Clubs and there is a "club" specifically for Writers where girls post their stories and other girls comment and vote on them.  I also like the Sleepover Club and the Advice Club.

  4. ( ) is a site that allows people to post their journalism writings on any topic you wish. No personal information is requested and email addresses are only displayed at your discretion. Additionally, unlike most sites, each article is reviewed by a person on staff before it is posted, which doesn't mean its all acceptable for your age group, but you certainly won't find inappropriate material on the site.

    Actually, there have been several good articles written by girls in your age group. Here are a couple:

    Good luck!

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