
Does anyone know what's a requirement or procedures for vietnamese in vietnam to travel to U.S for pleausre?

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I know that they need to apply visa to enter U.S. Do they need to own any property or have a lot of money in the bank in order to travel to U.S.? Please provide me with more information as possible.




  1. I know the answer to this question all too well.

    Property does not matter at all. My now wife and I have been buying property in Vn for 5 years. Two years ago she applied for a tourist visa, along with a letter from MY CONGRESSMAN, and was turned down flat.  Next step was a call to MY SENATOR, the consulate lied their A&& off.

    For some reason, the Department of Homeland Security and ICE seems to think that if you have $20,000 in a Viet Bank, you are entitled to visit the US. I guess it's easier to unload acres  of property than to tranfer funds electronically.


    We own well in excess of six figures worth of property in Vn. We were treated like SH&T by the consulate in Saigon.

    I can't wait to to register my wife's new green card with those sanctimonious pricks.

    Additional Info; I've lived in the same house for fifteen years and have hundreds of thousands in equity. I offered to "bond" her return, and I once was a proud veteran. (thankfully, I never had to call the current moron my CIC)

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