
Does anyone know what E=mc^2 means?

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I have an idea but I'm not sure. I think it is Energy=mass*volicty of light^2




  1. Correct. Note: velocity

  2. you got it right. it means that energy is mass, and mass is energy. notice how the speed of light is a very large number, and is square is even larger. that means that in a small amount of mass there is a large amount of energy.

    for example, each of the atomic bombs dropped on japan converted less than a gram of matter into energy. that is a truly incredible concept. just think, in your body you contain enough energy to completely wipe out every inch of land on this earth and all the life that goes along with it. absolutely amazing.

  3. Yup, that's what it is.

  4. Yeah, that's it... energy (E) = mass (m) x velocity of light (c) ^2

  5. The real equation is

    Delta E=Delta M x C^2


    Change in energy=change in mass times the speed of light squared

  6. you have the symbols correct.

    The equation is known as the energy-mass equivalence concept.

    The equation tells you how much energy you would get if you could convert the entire mass, m, into energy.

    Albert Einstein derived it in 1905.

  7. e=mc^2

    energy=mass*speed of light^2

    hope that helps

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