
Does anyone know what Maca Root & Biotin is? can it be used in capsul form to grow thicker hair?

by Guest33934  |  earlier

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Does anyone know what Maca Root & Biotin is? can it be used in capsul form to grow thicker hair?




  1. I take Biotin every day to help my hair and nails grow. I get it at GNC or an online vitamin store, and it does come in capsule form. I've never heard of Maca Root.

  2. Maca root is a peruvian herb. Used properly, it helps balance hormoone levels and ...can.....stimulate the libido. Biotin is a necessary supplement your body needs in order to produce Keratin, of which hair and finger nails are stronly comprosed. If you have the cash, go to GNC and get thier HAIR, SKIN and NAILS formula vitimins....(I am a guy and I take them..) it really does make a differance.

    The Maca root can come in a base powder form. The Biotin, if sought by itself, will be found in a tablet form. Read EXTENSIVELY about any herbal supplement you would take before you use it and be careful: just because a thing is made by Mother nature does not mean that improper use of it or overdosages cannot hurt you. Women who use Cohosh to ease menstrual cramps run the risk of hemmoragic bleed out if they take too much....

    "Perscription for Nutritional healing" is a book I would highly reccomend.  If you do not yet own a copy, go buy one the next time you have 30 $$ in your pocket. You will not be sorry.

  3. Biotin is just a vitamin.

    Maca root is an herb.

    Hair is made from protein. If you don't eat enough protein every day, your hair & nails will look and feel unhealthy

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