
Does anyone know what Obama mean't when he said "Israel is a strong friend of Israel's"???

by  |  earlier

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what does that mean?? i don't get it...can one of you flakes for Obama explain that statement?




  1. Israel is self-absorbed.

  2. I'm not sure but maybe he meant that Israel looks out for themselves above all else. They have to though or they would have disappeared by now. They have a lot of neighbors that want them gone.

  3. i think i heard that like an hour ago live with katie couric.

    i dont know, good question.

  4. yes, insulting people who can explain is always the best first step to get a real answer...

  5. He was trying to see if you were paying attention.  Looks like you were, I will mail you a cookie.

  6. He probably meant that they are their best allie (sp?).

  7. why does it matter. obama'a an idiot.. dont vote for him

  8. It means that Israel is fond of itself.

    And you have herpes.

  9. OBAMA didnt know what he meant..much less anyone else

  10. Cite your source, Mr. Rove.

  11. Context means everything...

    It's what makes the world appear more logical and sensical.

    Context pls?

    No no, I'm saying you sound a bit like a baiter because you can't provide context and a full, thoughtful question.

  12. Don't pick on poor Obama...his brain is warped from all that God dam^ America from his buddy and spiritual leader for over 20 years, the true patriot and humanitarian, Rev Wright!!!  Oops, who let the lid off of my sarcasm jar???!!!

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