
Does anyone know what The 2010 Doctor who episodes are called and if Catherine Tate will be in them? ?

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I heard not too long ago that Doctor who will not be back on till 2010 so I wanted to know if anyone knew what the names of the 2010 episodes were and if Catherine Tate a.k.a Donna Noble was going to be in doctor who again considering she loses all her memories of ever meeting and travelling with the doctor of travelling in time and space with him.




  1. Zero, I'm glad you're here.  River Song put me off a bit.  I don't know if it was the character, or the way she was written, or the actress herself.  But something about her left me uneasy and I DON'T want to see her back.

    Russell put Rose into a parallel universe and said she could never come back without both universes being destroyed.  And then he found a way to bring her back.

    My personal opinion is that Donna WILL be back.  Remember Lee MacEvoy, the man she married when she was inside CAL?  And remember he saw her before he was transported out but couldn't say her name?  I suspect that Donna is going to get her happy ending.  Lee is going to find out that Donna is human and from Earth, and he is going to come looking for her.

    I don't have a clue how they will get past the issue of her "Time Lordiness" burning her up if she ever remembers the Doctor.  It would be a cheat on Russell's part to have the Doctor load Donna into a memory chip and take her back to CAL and load Lee in there, too, and then let both their physical bodies die.  He did that with River Song and her crew.  No repeats of the god in the machine.  Get a new god, Russell, and a new machine to fix Donna.

    I would be thrilled to see Donna back for one or more of the specials, because she was the most marvelous character.  And if Russell doesn't bring her back for a 2009 special, Steven Moffatt still has the plot holes open that will let him bring her back later.  


  2. I don't think the 2010 scripts have even been completed, let alone any episodes named.

    If Catherine Tate is coming back, that's going to involve some mighty strange rationalization for her ability to NOT burn up and die at the memory of the Doctor and their adventures.  Maybe he'll show up with some sort of device to remove the Time Lordiness from her brain.  Who knows.

    I just hope like heck that we don't see River Song anytime soon. She annoyed the living snot out of me.

  3. There will be four Doctor Who specials aired next year as David Tennant is currently playing Hamlet in Stratford (UK) and he doesn't have the time to make another full series of Doctor Who.

    In 2010 we'll see the return of a full series of Doctor Who, but no actors have been confirmed yet.

    I am sure we will recieve more details after the Christmas episode is aried.  

  4. David Tennant will leave  donna noble won't *** back cos she got brainwashed.

  5. I hope Donna comes back! She was my absolute favorite companion.

    Apparently Tennant will be back for at least one more season (although nothing's been signed yet) and Tate (almost called her Noble...) is in loose talks with the BBC to return for one more season due to the almost universally positive response to Donna, but that's not been announced officially. So at this point everything's up in the air.

    If you're really interested, the bulletin boards are wild with speculation over who 11 will be, who the next companion will be, whether 10 will stay and for how long, etc., etc. The biggest board is [I'm just a poster, not an owner or an admin, so that's not an advert.]

  6. Doctor Who will actually be back this Christmas, with the 2008 Christmas special which see's the return of the Cybermen. After that, there will be another 4 special episodes in 2009 including another Christmas one, before the next full series begins in spring 2010.

    No episodes for series 5 in 2010 have been written yet, so obviously nobody knows the titles of them. Probably not even the new exec producer Steven Moffat. He probably has some story outlines in mind, but nothing more than that.

    Catherine Tate definitely won't be appearing in the next series of Doctor Who or any of the forthcoming specials, since she stated clearly prior to last Christmas that she would only be doing a single series. Donna Noble's story has now been concluded, and it seems very unlikely that the character will return to the series in the foreseeable future.

    David Tennant will start working on the four  2009 specials when filming for them begins in January, and so is confirmed as the Doctor at least until the 2009 Christmas special. It was reported in the press a few weeks ago that the BBC have offered him up to £1.5 million to continue playing the Doctor (it is rumoured for another three years), and Russel. T Davies has said in an interview that Tennant has informed the BBC of his decision. Neither party has as yet revealed what the decision is, although the likelihood is that Tennant will be continuing.

    Steven Moffat has made it clear that he wants Tennant to continue in order to maintain viewers familiarity with the set up when he takes over as exec producer and lead writer.

  7. I dont think any details have been released for the 2010 - I don't even think they have been filmed yet! I think if your looking for upcoming Dr Who episode details then investigate - dont know if that is the best word - the Christmas specials and the specials that are to be aired in 2009.

    About the whole "Donna coming back issue" I personally think she will come back I mean Rose was able to return so why not her? I have actually come up with a plan for her return... if anyone wants to know you canr reach me via email! She will return to the show no matter what! Mwhahahaha!

    P.S. Absolutely hate River Song - so hopefully Jenny will be the next primary companion!  

  8. david tennant and no she wont be

    i hate david tennant hes an annoying scottish bugger

    i want a new doctor

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