
Does anyone know what a freemason really is 2?

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what ive found out is that freemasons are a satanic group bent on new world order i used to think that they were here to make the world better and bring world peace but i guess my social studies teacher lied to me and im really freaked out because my uncle is one and ive been researchin and it tracesall the way back to when julius ceaser was killed only they wernt called freemason they called them selves tyrants and in lincolns time a motto was made up called sic semper tyrannis which for those who dont know means long live tyrants and every president that was assassinated was against masons

plz correct me if im wrong




  1. You don't really have the free masons straight.

    If the assassination of every president was against the masons then how could they love tyrants.

    Julious Ceasar was a dictator who kept the illusion of the Senate around while he himself was Emperor of Rome. So if they were involved in his killing then they would be killing tyrants not loving them.

    And they are definetly not Satanic. Whatever religion is involved in their soceity it is very down to Earth.

    If you really want to know talk to your uncle if he's a free mason.

  2. Here is a link that could help and may be more unbiased than a religeous site or a fan site.

  3. You ever watch national treasure?

  4. The Freemasons are not Satanic.  That hoax has been around for a very long time and has been proven false over and over.  Google "The Taxil Hoax"  and you can see for yourself.  

    Ask your uncle.  Trust me, he will be honest with you.  Don't listen to conspiracy theories.  Freemasonry is not a religion.  It is a Fraternal organization.

  5. LOL you're wrong ...

    I am NOT the niece of  satanists

    Nor am I the grandaughter of a satanist

    and I am DEFINITELY NOT THE DAUGHTER of a satanist ...

    I am though the niece of freemasons

    I am the grandaughter of a freemason

    and I am the daughter of a freemason

    and you'd hardly find more ethical or moral men in a year's searching world wide.

    you will always find more B/S on the internet .. on any topic...because people feel that they HAVE TO WARN THE WORLD or JUSTIFY their prejudices.. and they just fill the net with crappola against others.

  6. I am a Freemason, you are wrong and I will help correct  your information.

    Freemasonry is NOT satanic. This started because Leo Taxil, in the 1800's decided to play a joke on freemasonry, he misquoted and then misinterpreted Albert Pike by saying that Pike claims freemasons worship Lucifer - there is where the term Luciferian came from. Taxil admitted he was lying. There is no worship of satan (or anything for that matter since freemasonry is NOT a religion) in freemasonry.

    Freemasons are not bent on a new world order. there is no one gonverning body over all freemasonry, they would never work toward such a thing in society.

    Freemasons ARE here to make the world better, you have freedom of speech, religion, association, etc. because of freemasons. freemasons provide more charity than any other group on the planet (free hospitals, homes, drug programs, child ID programs, scholarships, etc...)

    Lincoln was going to become a freemason, he withdrew his petition when he decided to run for president because he didn't want to win the election just because he was a president. freemasonry has never called itself tyrants - that is a concept completely against everything freemasonry is about.

    It sounds to me like your social studies teacher was right and someone else gave you a bunch of bad information.

    if you have questions please ask me, i'll be happy to give you honest information.

    to some others: is a government relief site...

    there is nothing in freemasonry that is anti-christian; freemasonry is not a religion, let alone a 'watered down' one...

    nothing in freemasonry is a joke, and all the obligations begine with "nothing will conflict with your duty to your god, country, neighbor or self...", the 'penalties' are symbollic and you are taught their meaning in Lodge...

  7. I know what a Freemason is... me!

    1) Freemasonry is not satanic []

    2) The NWO conspiracy is laughable - Freemasonry is about study morality, liberal arts and sciences, and philosophy... free thinkers who have opposed tyranny and domination through the ages. Freemasons were killed and persecuted by the thousands in n**i Germany by Hitler, in Russia by Stalin, and Italy by Mussolini who feared their ability to circulate undetected and spread the seeds of liberty, freedom, and open-mindedness. Regarding a "ruling elite" of the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite: - it is all pure bunk.

    3) Masons did not kill Julius Ceasar... his own senate did, and Freemasonry cannot be reliably traced past Medieval Europe, let alone Empirical Rome.

    4) Lincon was killed by John Wilkes Booth ( (not a Mason), who was supposedly a member of, and in league with other conspirators from, the Knights of the Golden Circle ( This is not a Masonic group and has no ties to Freemasonry.

    5) His parting statement, 'Sic Semper Tyrannis' actually means "thus ever (or always) to tyrants." and is the Virginia State Motto. ( Booth and his co-conspirators were angry with Lincon for re-uniting the Union, as they favored confederation and separationist policy.

    In closing, open your own eyes and ears - don't subscribe to fairy tales and creepy stories of boogeymen running around in Masonic Aprons flipping switches and pulling levers behind a curtain to control the weather, economy, global warfare, etc.

    Info on Freemasonry:

  8. The Freemasons are not a Satanic group and have never been such. They are a secret society and that means that they are going to be a target for folks who don't know anything about them but want to vilify them in the eyes of people like you and me. And that includes conspiracy theorists.

    "A secret society that I'm not privy to what's going on behind those closed door. My, they could be plotting to rule the world in secret. Hmmm, don't have any actual proof, maybe I should make something up. Yeah, and then I spread it to the world as truth. Folks will believe me. After all most folks aren't Freemasons."

    I'm not a Freemason. But I know better than to believe any conspiracy theories out their concerning them. Ask you uncle, he will not be likely to tell you what goes on behind closed doors but he can tell you the Freemasons are not what your social studies teacher claims.

  9. You are wrong. There, you have been corrected. Now get your head out of cyberspace and do some real world research, talk to your uncle, talk to other Freemasons, go to a real library and research both sides of the story. I'd say go talk to an anti-Mason, but I've never actually met one outside of the Internet, they don't seem to leave their rooms much.

    The information in your question is so far out of whack it is nearly impossible to address. But no, there is no satan worship, no NWO, didn't exist in Caesar's time, (Official foundation of Freemasonry 1717), sic semper tyranus means this always to tyrants, (to be killed) not long live the tyrants. no anti-Masonic president has ever been assassinated, but some Masonic presidents have.

  10. i am so glad that there are so many smart level headed people responding to this. ok. my great grandfather was very high up in the masons where i live. and i had a boyfriend that was a mason... and he couldn't keep secrets. here is the DL.

    the story about cesar, not true but fun to tell. its like pretending that thanksgiving is about the brotherly love between english settlers and american indians. cute but not true.

    the masons use to consist of rich white men promoting their own wealth through the connections that the "brotherhood" afforded them. it was THE "good ole boys" club. now that society has changed since the industrial revolution, this group is no longer needed in order to gain purchase on "the mountain". so it mostly consists of aging men, and they don't have any real requirements for being in the group... other than being a dude. of course.

  11. Hey Martin!

    You may find my answer on your other Freemasonry question to be helpful.

    As a Christian committed to upholding the Lordship of Christ, I do think the Lodge has a few problems -- they have to water down their religion in order to co-exist with Brother Masons who are not Christians.

    However, since they are a private organization, well-known, and are reputed to have secrets, they do tend to attract all sorts of speculation and conspiracy theories.

    I really don't think they are a Satanic group, and the attempts you've read which try to trace them back to the days of the Caesars or earlier are either woefully ignorant of history or examples of blatant sensationalism to sell books.

    The source you read was also incorrect about assassinated presidents being against Masons.  In fact, Presidents James Garfield and William McKinley were both themselves Freemasons, as you may see in the following link.

    By the way, Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt, but I know he was made a "Mason-at-Sight".

  12. Freemasonry promotes indifferentism, which is the belief that all religions are equally valuable and profitable for gaining eternal life.

    Freemasonry does NOT espouse ecumenism.  Ecumenism deals with Christian unity, and since Freemasonry accepts any non-Christian faith into her bosom, the lodge has nothing to do with ecumenism.  The goal of ecumenism, by the way, is the understanding of religious faiths, but not agreeing with them.

    Masonic oaths are not read to the candidate in advance, so he really doesn't know what he will be required to promise.

    Freemasonry's oaths are also imposed with self-curses (having my throat cut across, and my tongue torn out, etc.)  These self-curses mean that the candidate is worthy of the mutilation and death that the penalties symbolize if he ever fails to keep his oath.  This also means that Freemasonry takes its business very seriously - they can't just call their organization a social club, otherwise they wouldn't require oaths with self-curses.  If they say its all a joke, then they are calling God to witness a lie, which is blasphemous.  This also makes their search for godliness and morality also a joke.

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