
Does anyone know what all the new banks of cameras over roads in the south east are for?

by Guest62051  |  earlier

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Does anyone know what all the new banks of cameras over roads in the south east are for?




  1. Plate recognition technology. They read your plate and let the police know if you haven't got insurance, tax or a listed MOT. Then they just meet you down the road and nick you.


  2. Where  south east.  ?   In London possible extension of congestion zone.

  3. tax and insurance cameras they read your no plate

  4. I don't know but at a guess it is just another revenue extractor for another crooked fourth rate  local authority

  5. Maybe they are extending the road congestion charges into London

  6. to watch you!

  7. They are all to do with this latest low emission rip off. If you drive a transit van in the greater London area (including the suburbs) it will cost you £100 PER DAY, YES £100 A DAY. Check it all out at the tfl website. This comes in next year. BEST TO REMOVE YOUR NUMBER PLATES I THINK.

  8. Who gives a S**t.

  9. hey my brother can hack into them he might b watching u

  10. This question has come up several times recently , the new cameras that have appeared are ANPR cameras (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) which are for the new "Low Emission Zone" scheme which starts February next year, details here;

    "The aim of the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) is to improve air quality in London by deterring the most polluting vehicles from being driven in the area. The vehicles affected are older diesel-engined lorries, buses, coaches, large vans, minibuses and other heavy vehicles that are derived from lorries and vans such as motor caravans and motorised horse boxes.

    There will be a phased introduction of the scheme from 4 February 2008 through to January 2012. Different vehicles will be affected over time and increasingly tougher emissions standards will apply. Cars, motorcycles and small vans are not included in the Low Emission Zone (LEZ)."

    Extract from the TFL website.

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