
Does anyone know what breed this puppy is?

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Her mom is a Shih-Tzu but the shelter is not sure what her dad is. My boyfriend is thinking of getting her for me for my bday. My moms OK with it and if he doesn't get her, most likely my mom will.

What do you think, my sister thinks pug or chihuahua?

If it helps, she's about 2 and a half months old.




  1. Definitely looks part Chihuahua to me!

  2. I see pug..  she has the pug markings, the smooshed puggy nose, and the curly puggy tail.  I wouldnt have even guessed that She's half shih-tzu!  She looks like a pug mix!

  3. I think chihuahua & beagle - not pug. It looks like a puggle but the eyes are all chihuahua.

    There's actually a test now to verify a mixed breed - I googled it:

  4. whatever it is its very cute

  5. I got a dog from a shelter and was told he was a Red Heeler/Australian Cattle Dog mix.  I didn't really know what either of these breeds looked like so I believed them... but I have come to find out that he is a Red Heeler/Chow mix.  Now that I know what an australian cattle dog looks like I know he doesn't have any in him.  I'm not too sure why they would tell me cattle dog, but I guess not too many people go to shelters to find chows.

    I don't see any shih-tzu qualities such as long hair or coloration, but I could see pug or chihuahua.  Her coloring says pug but she looks like she could have some chihuahua it in.

    But whatever she is she's freakin adorable!!!!! I hope you get her!!

  6. She looks just like the part chihuahua pup that my daughter got for her little girl, color and all.

  7. that looks to be a 'designer pup'  part pug part beagle.    I really don't see the Shih-Tzu part... but you never know!

  8. Her daddy was a chihuaha...Thankyou for going to the shelter to find a baby.. :-)

  9. She does look like a pug/chihuahua mix. I see no Shih-Tzu in her at all

  10. I can tell you she doesn't look anything like a shih tzu, but she does look like she has some boxer in her.  

  11. Looks to me like part Chihuahua! If that's the case, I would say the puppy should stay pretty small... no more than 10 pounds max... Just my personal opinion.

  12. I would say that the dad was probably a Puggle/Chihuahua mix.

  13. She has a pug look, but also boxer.  Although cannot imagine a shih tzu and a boxer mating - HEEHEE!!

  14. Looks like a pug mix.  I have a Dachshund/Shih-Tzu mix that absolutely doesn't look like a Shih-Tzu.  He took after his dad but the other pups took after the mom which was the Shih-Tzu.  Mine looks like a black and tan Dachshund with a shorter nose.  My daughter works at a vet and said it does look like a "Puggle" so your pup probably had a Beagle or Pug for a father. Our guess is medium size, probably no more than 25-30 lbs. when grown.

  15. Looks more like a Puggle, how are they positive???

  16. She looks like she could have beagle in her, but I don't see shih-tzu either.

  17. Um.......I think it's a Pug and Chihuahua mix Because i have three chihuahua and feist mix and i have a pug mix and i see the pug ang chihuahua in her.

  18. i'm so jealous, he's ADORABLE

    he looks like he could be a Chihuahua

    He does look like a Shih-tzu the muzzle expecially.

    i have a shih-tzu, email me if you want a picture.

  19. It looks like a puggle to me! Part pug and part beagle! Good luck! Hope you are able to get her!

  20. That puppy looks exactly like my friends dog, which is a Puggle (part Pug, part Beagle).  No matter what the breed is, that is one cute puppy!  I hope you get it.

  21. ♥I don't know but the dog is soooooo cute♥

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