
Does anyone know what causes my hands to go numb when I'm riding my bicyle?

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and what can be done about it?




  1. There are usually two primary reason... You've got TOO much weigh on you hands... check your seat position..

    OR you may be riding with your wrist bent all the time.. try changing your hand position while you ride..

    you can also put on bar tape that is cushioned and get a good pair of cycling gloves...

  2. The problem comes not from carpal tunnel syndrome but from pressure on the Ulnar nerve at the wrist and possibly the elbow.  The angle at which the wrist is kept during the ride and the vibration all put pressure on this nerve.  The result is tingling or numbness in the ring and little fingers.  Don't hold the bars too tightly and move them around or take one hand off the bar every once in a while.  Get gloves that have gel in them to cushion the vibration.  One strong suggestion is to go to a local bike shop and get fitted on the bike.  The angles that the bike was set up with may not be compatible with you.

  3. too much weight on your hands, too tight a grip on the bars, transfer of road vibration through your bike.

    weight on your hands - adjust your position. balance more on your seat.

    grip - relax!

    vibration - padded gloves. carbon or steel fork (aluminum is notorious for feeling road vibration).

    if you have a medical issue, get it checked out now (or stop riding until you can get it checked).

  4. It could Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Mine used to do that until I had the surgery.  I suggest you get a referral to a good hand surgeon and talk to him/her about it.

  5. Prevention is best. Try not to put too much weight on your hands. It might be a fit issue, so get that checked out either at the shop where you bought the bike, or ask an experienced rider.

    The easiest thing to do is change your hand position frequently. Move them around. You have lots of options on a road bike with drop bars. If you have a flat bar bike, getting a pair of bar ends helps give you more hand position options.

    Don't grab the bar too tightly, but do keep your thumb wrapped around the bar.


  6. Get a recumbent bicycle and sell your regular bike. It's a more natural riding posture and will take the weight off of your wrists.

  7. Its the riding position, your upper body has most of its weight to your wrists, cutting off circulation. A more up-right postion will do wonders.

    You can get taller handlebars, or higher the stem/neck if safe to do so.

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