
Does anyone know what company t. boone pickens owns for windmill technology?

by  |  earlier

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I'd be interested in a possible investment. so, if you are aware of the call letters, that info would be helpful as well. thank you in advance for your assistance.




  1. I'm not aware of any stock offering.

    He got Texas laws changed so that he could set up 5 of his employees as a "water District" with the power of eminent domain. Now they can condemn private property and run their system across it. The other major change in the law lets him run high voltage and water together.

    He will be pumping out groundwater and selling it (major purpose of the wind generation complex) and any surplus energy will also be sold.

    It's good that he is developing wind power, but his methods are somewhat shady as always.

  2. Mesa Power......

    "Pickens' company, Mesa Power, recently announced a $2 billion investment as the first step in a multibillion-dollar plan to build the world's largest wind farm in Pampa, Texas."

    He's planning on using Wind Turbines from General Electric...

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