
Does anyone know what happened to Bella, or Byderule?

by  |  earlier

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They are both from the U.K....I very much enjoy their questions/answers, but suddenly they have both dropped off the face of the earth.

Did they get banned, or something?




  1. i think they got banned... maybe bella is on vacation i dont remember

  2. I'm having the same issue with a couple of other users...if the trolls have been pestering them and they put their profile to private, you may not be seeing their q/a unless you're a contact.

  3. Byderule is still here:;_...

    Can't find Bella (did you mean Permaculture Bella?) she is even gone from my contacts list.  If you find her would you please let me know?

  4. Bella Donna or Permaculture Bell

    got tired of  repetitive banter and trolls ,(so did I)

    and is very busy  getting deep into deep ecology

    Last I heard she was heading for the Moon.

    I have been busy on my Multiply, the link is on my profile page.

    You will notice that many of us are coming here less.

    Trevor, Patzky,Observer etc.

    The never ending battle of the skeptics and negative trolls are taking their toll.

    But there are plenty of avenues to reach me (on my profile page)  I am not in hiding,just laying low.

    Getting suspended a few times(for personal antagonisms) has damaged the enthusiasm.

    I am not in the UK

    but i did grow up there

    I was in South Africa for a long time

    Now I am in Mexico



    one time i got banned they closed everything,the mail chat ,360,Answers ,everything.

    The second time they just closed the Answers and left the rest alone

    Yahoo is not famous for consistency

    Now the the attacks are mainly deleted Answers and violation notices..

  5. Bella was on my contact's list too. Last time we talked I know she was having problems with trolls, then she disappeared. I know that she is studying, I think Deep Ecology.

    I thought Byderule had gone too, because he is on my contact's list but a message says He is not available.

    Hi Byderule, (above me) did you get a new account?  

    I read the answers in the Environment section and I have noticed a lot of top answerers who used to be on have disappeared. Perhaps they are all going to another Answers site?  

    The knowledgeable ones I have noticed are missing (?) Trevor, 3DM, Amy L, Grizzbr1,  =^_^=, and Observer MD.

    Is Yahoo deleting them or are they leaving to go to better sites?

  6. God forbid anyone of those two good friends of mine should get banned, both are well, Ah there he is Byderule, as for Bella she just got sick of the utter stupidity here on Y!A and just quit,

    And Byderule, Bella quit because she got fed up with hassle, not repetitive answers :o) thats what she said.

    So both are well and none of them got banned or anything . Thanks God

    Take care, have a nice day and God bless you.

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