
Does anyone know what happened with the female horse from the Kentucky Derby?

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Oh my gosh, she had to be put down? that is so sad




  1. She broke both her front ankles and had to be put down :. (

  2. I don't know what happened to Eight Belles but while watching her during workouts I do remember thinking how odd it was that she seemed to have an unusual head-bob when the trainer was pulling her back from the gallop. The trainer was actually being very gentle with her, as it seemed she really wanted to run, and he was talking her back as well as gently tugging her back. Eight Belles obviously did not want to slow. Anyway, I remember thinking how the head-bob as she slowed seemed a bit excessive and reminded me of the way a lame horse would limp and bob if it had painful joints or bone spurs.

  3. Since she broke both of her ankles she had to be out down. With horses it is very difficult to get the bone to heal. Because of their size and what not, it is hard to keep a horse immobile enough to let it heal. If it doesn't heal properly, that is when the horse is at risk for infection. The fact that it was both her ankles, made it just about impossible to fix the breaks. It was a sad end, and she was an amazing horse. People need to appreciate these animals and their beauty. The sport of racing is disgusting.

  4. She broke her 2 front ankles and immediately collapsed after the race.

    I'm guessing it isn't very easy to get an animal of that size out of there, espcially since she couldn't walk, and it would take a very long time to heal, so the put her down right there.

    So sad! I was gonna cry.

  5. Eight bells? She broke her ankle and was euthanized after coming in second

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