
Does anyone know what healthy ferret p**p LOOKS like?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious. I have suspicion my ferrets not poopin properly.

Pictures would be great.

Mines got like little tiny balls in it..stinks..and can be sticky. I've been looking and i think thats Birdseed p**p but really I'm not even sure.

Hes fine...still plays eats drinks. looks cute you know.

any ideas?




  1. Call your vet and ask them what ferret p**p should look like.

  2. He probably just got into something he shouldnt have. As long as its not constant diarrhea or constipation he should be fine. I not sure what he ate to have tiny balls in it, but if hes not acting weird and hes still playing and eating i think your ok. I would just watc what you leave around the house cause they eat and chew on everything.

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