
Does anyone know what is the current cost of living in Argentina, i.e. food, toiletries,etc.?

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Does anyone know what is the current cost of living in Argentina, i.e. food, toiletries,etc.?




  1. I'm currently there working.

    There's a big inflation process going on here but shouldn't be a problem for us UK citizens since 1 pound is like 6.5 pesos (I have the most tasty meal for around 4 pounds every day).

    A regular family with 2 kids would need around 5000 pesos (a less than 800 pounds) to live a pretty decent life.

    The monthly payment for a very good flat is around 1500 pesos if you don't want it with furniture and maiden service.

    With furniture and maiden prices go up as much as you want but start around 1500 US dollars (I'm talking about a 3 room apartment).

    I fulfill the market cart with 350 pesos once a week (but 2 months ago I did it with 250).

    To know the exchange rate:

    In that site:

    - search for "libra esterlina" (sterling pound)

    - "compra" = "how much they pay you for 1 pound"

    - "venta" ="take an amount of pounds and split it by that number, the result is what you get."

    Hope this helps! Great country to visit / live.

  2. Just to confirm Soltate's post, we have a family of 3 in Cordoba, Argentina and also spend around 350 pesos per week on groceries, toiletries, etc., and we eat almost entirely at home.

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