Assuming it depend's on theses factors : the technical issues of building the plant, the security issues of locating and protecting the plant, the finance issues of construction,operation and safe end-of-life retirement costs, & the cost of electricity from carbon fuels like LNG, heavy fuel oils, or coal, can anyone rank these factors in decreasing order of economic magnitude? And where does the opportunity cost savings of GW remediation come into the economics ranking since it seems that nuclear power would help save entire ecosystems and all the species that would go extinct. I know it's a big picture Q, & since nobody is expected to A the Q, any contribution helping to answer this Q or formulate narrower more focused Q's would be appreciated.
I can ask the Q bec of my background, but obviously I don't know the A to my own Q. Useful Links also appreciated esp if you briefly state what to find there.
This an economics & science Q for the GW subcategory. Leave the politics out!