
Does anyone know what it is like being handed off to service at the airport?

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i am ten and i will be handed off to service at the airport and i do not know if they are nice or what they do?what do they do!




  1. Oh, whoever is dropping you off will come with you to the gate (where you will get on the plane). There, a flight attendant will take care of you and take you on board the plane.

    The flight attendants will check on you every 30 minutes or so to see that you are okay. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. They are there to help you. Often they bring you something to keep you occupied, like a coloring book or some little game.

    When you get off the plane, someone else that works at the airport will meet you and take you through baggage claim, where you will collect your luggage if you brought any. Then they go with you to meet whoever is picking you up at the destination you are going to.

    I flew by myself when I was 12 and they were really nice and explained where we are going and what happens on the plane. They also let me meet the pilots but I don't think they do that anymore because they are stricter on security. Anyways, I had a great flight and everyone was really helpful and made sure that I got on and off the plane and did everything right.

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