
Does anyone know what it tkes to live in Peru?

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I'm a Permanent Resident and have been living in the US for almost 4 years.Now I would like to move to Peru and live there;however I don't know what it takes.




  1. That would probably depend on what passport you hold. The link below may help. I see it lists different being a pensioner visas.

    Hope that helps


  2. u have to know the language spanish in order to converse with the people there.U have to be very hardworking because u have to grow your own food in order to live a good life in peru.Pastors are very helpul.

    Learn spanish (hola)LOL

  3. Peru is BEAUTIFUL! I stayed there for a month with my mother's realtives and it was the best experience i've ever had! All you need to do is learn the language, and visit ALL the beautiful sites they have there....believe me you'll be AMAZED!

    And listen to what the person has above me to say. That's some good advice.

  4. Living in Peru is the best. Is not as expensive as other countries and if you have some money you could have a really good life.

    First you have to learn what legal documents you need and then see what work you are looking for or if you want to study or retire.

    You may find some information at

  5. I used to live in Peru well its a beutiful country just some areas are crowded and bad places to live in but the fancy towns are gorgeous and its like being in Las Vegas,the good parts of new york and San Francisco. they have beautiful beaches also and one of the most best circus(there is a time in peru when lots of circus come you just cant decide cuz ther all so good).

  6. Depending what nacionality you are... if you are an american citizen or european citizen, Peru allows you to stay up to 6 month with your regular visa (americans do not require a visa).  While you are there you can go the Ministerio de Relationes Exteriores to find out what would be the necessaries steps to become a permanent resident.  I know the rules there for residency is not as hard as in the United States.

    Remember life in Peru is easier more relax but unless you have enough money to live without worry... getting a job there can be really competetive.... the younger, the more education background  you have and more good looking you are the easier to get a job.... there is a lot of discrimination going on back there.

    Good luck to you.

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