
Does anyone know what kind of life a person with a "E" none violent felony( intent of child sexual abuse)live

by  |  earlier

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My friend accepted this plea after his lawyer advised him that was the best deal he could get for him. The other choice was going to trial and taking a chance on losing and being sent to prison.. then deported. His biggest mistake was signing a statement that he didn't understand because of a language barrier. The lawyer tried to dismiss, but DA said no. Will he able to get married and have children??




  1. every court in the united states must provide an interpreter for a defendants native language. don't try to pull the "i dont speak english" bs. he knows what he did and he plead guilty to it. they may still deport him anyway. he is a pedophile and should not have children, but if he does, and he re offends with his own children, it will be worse.  

  2. Intent of child sexual abuse? Your friend is a scumbag.

    Yes, he will be able to marry and have children if he can find a woman who will have him, assuming he comes clean about his felony record.

    You should be more concerned for his future employment; not a lot of people are jumping to hire people convicted of intent of child sexual abuse, even if it is a "non violent" offense.

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