
Does anyone know what kind of puppy this is?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to know because we may be getting a new puppy soon:D




  1. Don't get a puppy because its cute.

    It could be a badger colored Great Pyrenees, or even an Australian Shepherd.

    Do your research before you go out and adopt a dog. Whats cute as a puppy may not fit into your home as an adult dog.

  2. I think it's a great prynese. It is not a australian shepherd

    because the tail is too long. Look at some dog breed books,

    your local library should have some. Or search the web.

    Good luck and have fun.

  3. great prynese, sheltie mix maybe?

  4. it look like a Australian Shepard. Those are really good dogs. Australian Shepard's are one of the smartest breeds.  

  5. Looks like australian shepherd to me.  I had some 10 or 11 years ago, and they were the best dogs ever.  Very smart.  

  6. iz hard to tell.....possibly shihtzu or a maltese....... husky maybe im not sure.

  7. looks siberian husky to me.

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