
Does anyone know what kind of things my dwarf hamster would like to play with?

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It already has toys... I was wondering if there were things around the house i could put in his cage or something. They are both robosorvski male hamsters!




  1. Dwarf hamsters LOVE to climb and chew. You could make them a ladder out of wood, but you would have to be sure the wood is safe. You could probably buy a ladder at a pet store in the bird section.If you have bars on your cage, you could run a string from side to side, then have string coming down from there holding a toilet paper tube, so it would be like a hammock. Just don't put it to high.

  2. Well, get them a wheel, rodents love to run! Paper towel tubes are always fun for them, even if they do pee in them. Get them a hamster ball for them to run around your house in! They love that, although if you put them both in together one wants to go one way and the other wants to go the opposite! :P It's really funny to watch!

  3. they would love a lil ball so they can run around in theyll luv it give them sumthin they can climb up on like an lil ladder dat leads to sumthin my dwarf hamster loved it give them sum popsicle sticks not da ones u buy but da ones uv already ate off they like da taste n sumthin to chew on well mine did  

  4. Robos are the most hyperactive of all hamsters. They are continuously playing all the time that they are not sleeping and are fun to watch.

    Some simple tricks to make them enjoy (not cage specific) are -

    Spread food and hide treats in their bedding instead of putting food in a food dish. This would make them burrow and search for food instead of eating mechanically from the food dish.

    Each time you arrange the cage after cleaning, arrange things differently from the last time. This would make it more interesting for your hamsters to look around and rediscover things in the cage again and make them more active.

    Give them a variety of toys to play with. Your hammy would be happy with inane things like empty toilet toll tubes, toothpaste cartons with flaps cut off or even hollowed out plastic balls (non toxic plastic should be used). I even remove the base of Starbucks coffee cups to make simple tunnels for my hamsters.

    Make a hamster proof room area where they can roam around freely with no danger of escaping. I use the bath tub in my house - dry it out completely, plug the drain hole and make them roam in the tub. To make it even more interesting, put some toys and maybe a stand alone exercise wheel there and leave them there for 20 minutes and watch them have fun.It is also a good way to interact and play with them too.

    Put them in their hamster ball for two durations of 20 minutes every day.

    Remember variety is the key to a healthy and active hamster

  5. I used to have Robo Dwarfs!!! YAY!

    They like toilet paper and paper towel rolls.

    It you put in their cage a piece of fabric, they will play with it too.

  6. Congratulations, you now have a use for your toilet paper roll when the paper is all gone. Hamsters love to chew on those rolls.  

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