
Does anyone know what "the day in the life" of an online high school student is?

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I want to do online schooling and I need to know or I need a website to find out or something.




  1. Our online courses are synchronous which means that the students meet live, online with the teacher and other students in an online classroom. These have the disadvantage that you cannot go at your own pace because the students stay together, but it does have the advantage of a live teacher and other students to interact with. These are online co-op classes so they are not-for profit but rather a cooperative effort among homeschooling families. That means they are free and have a small teacher to student ratio.

    In our household the day runs like this:

    8:30 am, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, my 8th grader logs into the online classroom for Literary Analysis. The teacher gives the content with lots of visuals and discussion with and between the students.The room has full-duplex audio with up to 6 simultaneous talkers. That class has about 6 students. Typically the content time takes about 30 minutes. The teacher then gives them the last 30 minutes to be reading or writing their analysis with her available in the classroom for any questions or feedback they might want. The students do not meet on Mondays or Fridays in the classroom, but are expected to be using that time for reading and writing related to the class.

    9:30 am, Mondays through Fridays, my 1st grader logs into the same classroom for his Phonics class. The classes are 30 minutes long with a total of three first grade students. It is structured, but full of very game-like activities that the kids play together. Worksheet activities do not convert well to an online classroom with the children using a mouse instead of a pencil, so handwriting is to be covered at home and isn't part of the online curriculum. The activities done in the classroom to learn and reinforce phonics concepts are very game-like. The online classroom is equipped with a whiteboard that is perfect for manipulative-based activities where the kids point to, move, and add text. One of the games that my son likes is a variation of Grandma's Trunk that is played to learn sight words. They pick a sight word they have been working on learning out of the trunk image that is onscreen and add it to the list. They say something like, "In Gandma's trunk I found 'the', 'some', 'friend', 'does', and, 'to'. The kids each take their turns reading the accumulated sight words until they miss one. It makes them really work to listen to someone else read a word they are shakey on so that when their turn comes they will know it. After 30 minutes, the class goes to game time. During game time, they have free choice of their activities. There are slides with images from online phonics games that work on skills they have done. Each slide has an active link that the student can click to link to a web game at such places as BBC, Disney, Between the Lions, etc. There are also games that can be played between the students and the teacher that are similar to hangman, Boggle, Scrabble, etc.

    At 10:30am my 1st grader's classroom switches over to Math 1. THe math class has about 6 students. Like Phonics, there are lots of interactive activities. This last week theu have been working on skip counting by 2s and are still reinforcing the skip counting by 5s they have been working on over the past weeks. The counting by fives have been put to work in telling time to five minutes and working with nickles that have been added to their coin activities. The kids have to decide if they have enough nickles to buy a toy on screen, if not they can still buy some bubble gum from the machine for 5 cents. When they opt for the bubble gum they all have a great time telling each other what their pretend flavor is and how big a bubble they make. That always brings lots of giggles. They are also working on their multiplying by fives facts. The kids have memorized up to 5X7 now. Other skills this last week were coordinate graphing in the 1st quadrant. They each have their own little frog to feed breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner to each day by giving the correct coordinates of a fly on the graph. The teacher draws a tongue from each student's frog to the coordinate the student gives. The kids love that game and even ask for it in their 30 minute game time after the 30 minute lesson. Well, I could go on and on. LOL

    11:30 am.Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  My 8th grader has been busy on any homework during the time my first grader was doing his classes. Now he logs in for his composition class. There are about 6 students in this class. This semester is focusing on narrative writing and nest will be on essays. The kids have worked on short stories, an autobiographical incident, writing to a timed prompt, and this last week they have studied and worked on poetic narratives. Next will be plays/scripts, comic book narratives, and then they will go through and refine all their stories for their final portfolio.

    12:30pm is Algebra I for my 8th grader. There are only two students in this class which is about as close to one-on-one tutoring as you can get without the one-on-one. LOL. The teacher covers the new topic using the whiteboard and they discuss any problems missed in the last lesson. As the students work on their assignemnt, the teacher is right there to handle any questions.

    1:30pm is Chemisty. This is the biggest class. It has ten students. The students have lecture time as well as interactive practice time. During interactive practice, the whiteboard is set to roam and the kids can go to any slide in the slideset for the entire module. This lets them focus on what they personally need extra help with. The slides are designed to let the kids quiz themselves on concepts and the math of that chemistry module. If one stumps them, they type a request in the chat box or use the mic to ask the teacher for a reteach. They tell what slide and the teacher shows how that problem is solved. Any of the students that want to, joins in on that slide to see it done too. If they do not want to participate in a reteach they just stay where they are and mute their headphone. All labs have an in class walk through where the students actually see it performed on screen using manipulative images or live using the webcam. The kids do more than watch, they are asked questions and they have the manipulatives available on the slide to practice the lab procedures independently during interactive practice time. The students are all spread out geographically (Hawaii, Canada, Arkansas, Florida, California, Virginia, etc), so the class labs are virtual. However, all labs can be performed with common household items though real lab equipment is shown in the whiteboard labs. They are encouraged to do the labs at home. They are required to turn in at least two standard format lab reports of labs done at home by the end of the course.

    Chemistry is the last class in that online classroom. My 8th grader typicall sticks around after chemistry class to visit with three of his friends from his online classes. They have been known to still be in there by 5:30pm. They use the text chat, whiteboard, and audio system to talk about game design, computers, to share their latyest 3-D computer renders, they play snippets of their favorite songs. The audio compression isn't noticed for voice, but music is definitely noticeable. But often when the discussion of music comes up, you just can communicate about it better when you can play what you are trying to talk about.

    Well, I may have gone into far more detail than you were asking for, but that is a day in the life of our online homeschool co-op classes. :)

  2. I'm an online high schooler.

    I'm with Alpha Omega Academy.

    Normally, I wake up at about 7am or 8am, get on the Student Center for AOA, check comments and such, then start school work by 9am, and I'm normally done by noon.

    That's pretty much all there is to it.

    You can work ahead in your studies, if you want to take a week off, or go on a vacation.

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