
Does anyone know what rule to apply?

by  |  earlier

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while lining up a putt with my putter grounded the wind rolled my ball back into the club face making contact i believe its a stroke penalty but for which rule and why




  1. SAMoh1 got it right. If you do not ground your club you will never have to worry about it. There was a guy that made a living at it this name was Jack something.........

  2. If you grounded the club with the intention of striking the ball you take one stroke penaltyand replace the ball as closely to the original spot as possible.

  3. The rule you are looking for is 18-2.b - Ball moving after address.

  4. You are always deemed to have moved the ball once your club is grounded, even when it is obvious the wind moved it.

  5. I looked through the 2008 USGA rule book and didn't find anything specifically applying to your situation.  In friendly play, I'd just have you put the ball back without penalty.  In stricter play, I'm sure there'd be a stroke penalty since you shouldn't have left your club so close to the ball unattended.  I'm not sure quite which rule would apply.  Might be a good question for one of those shows on the golf channel?

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