
Does anyone know what specific rule-changes are being considered or have been passed for the 08-09 season?

by  |  earlier

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here's a link that someone just posted




  1. Can I just say that I want the hideous trapezoid to go away. It just looks silly. They need to find a better way to legislate their point.

  2. The meetings to discuss rule changes starts tomorrow and there are several issues on the table.

    The scheduling change is not a 'rule' change, it is simply a 2 year scheduling change that will be reviewed in two years time.

  3. All I heard was the rule that every team is now going to play all the other teams in the NHL in the regular season.

    I Like it.

    I doubt they'll do what you said.

    If they do, I'll be angry.. :]

    EDIT: Tom..I appreciate that a lot. :P

  4. i haven't heard anything yet.

  5. I can't say that i would like the automatic icing rule. Cause there IS always a chance that the other player could get the puck...

    I've read a few articles on the Goalie Equipment though. That's the only thing i've read though.

  6. i heard that they are going to get rid of the trapezoid

  7. On the schedule for discussion at the board of directors meeting are a number of rule changes and issues.

    1. There is a proposed change to the schedule such that every team plays every other team at least once.

    2. No touch icing is on the agenda.

    3. Goal tender equipment will be discussed.

    4. There are a other rule changes up for discussion.

    "You could say ..." I'll forward your concern on to Batman. I assure you that he will take your concerns into consideration.

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