
Does anyone know what that documentary is called about 9/11 and how George Bush was behind it?

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It aired a few days ago on National Geographic or History Channel I can't remember which one it was.




  1. No way Bush, 9/11!!!!! I all ready hate Bush, but 9/11!!!

  2. Zeitgeist the movie, see it streaming here:

  3. Fahrenheit 911

  4. I would be the last one to defend "dubya" and I think you Americans should consider Michael Moore a national treasure, but the films he makes - including fahrenheit 911 - cannot be considered documentaries in the traditional sense of the word. I believe he is getting at truth with his films, but he does sometimes play with facts to get there. Check out a film called "Manufacturing Dissent" - it does a Michael Moore on Michael Moore. But again, even though Moore might not be the nicest guy and he does bend the facts, I think he exposes the truth. Remember how he was booed at the Academy Awards when he protested the upcoming assault on Iraq? No sane person now could say he was wrong.

  5. This documentary is a bunch of horse manure. You're believing it just because the liberal National Geographic had a documentary about it? Come on!

  6. It's not a documentary as it mixes a lot of misinformation and outright lies with facts but it is called Fahrenheit 911.  When you watch it, just bear in mind that the creator thinks similarly to Goebbels in his view of making propaganda films.

    There are others but they are not well done and their arguments are laughable at best so not worth mentioning.  At least Moore has talent to make a fiction seem real.

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