
Does anyone know what that noise terrorists make before assassinating an infidel is called.?

by Guest55912  |  earlier

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I cannot for the life of me find any information on this. for those who don't know what I'm talking about, it is that strange noise terrorist make with their tongue and throat before beheading someone that phonetically goes "ALALALALALALALLALALALALLA" rapidly. thanks for any information.




  1. allah akbar is what some of them say

  2. It basically means, "I kill for you, my God."

  3. I don't know what it's called in Arabic, maybe someone arabic can answer that, but in english it's called ululation.

    Also, it's not a sound specific to terrorism. Not all terrorists make it (as not all arabs are terrorists and not all terrorists are arab).

    It is a sound made by people (men and women) in the arabic world to celebrate or to express joy or grief or great excitement. It's also used in other cultures/parts of the world - north africa, parts of india and parts of basque spain.

    Mr White and CST: ululation and "Allah Akbar" are not related. The phrase "Allah Akbar", known as the Takbir, means "God is great". It does NOT mean "I kill for you, my God" . It is a commonly used phrase that has many applications - including, but not exclusive to, battle.

  4. First off, they use it against anyone that they are fighting, not just an "infidel". Don't get rhetorical.

    Secondly, it's called a war cry. You can say that it's the middle eastern version of the Marine "Ooo-rah". "Alalalalalala" is a very general war cry that many armies have used throughout history. The ancient Greeks were the first ones to use it. Later in history it was the Ottoman Turks who used it. In the middle eastern world, "Alalalala" is "Allah" yelled repetitively making it sound like one. Its purpose is to scare the c**p out of the enemy and it can be intimidating to some people. However, make note that most middle eastern armies do not use "Alalalalala" For example, the Pakistani army has several different war cries.

    Thirdly, very few infantrymen use war cries nowadays. There's a lot of emphasis on covertness in modern warfare.

    That should answer your question.

  5. My Pakistani friend told me its "Allahu akbar," meaning Allah is great.

    Most people forgot the "U" at the end of Allah.

    EDIT: Oh, that yell is just some racist c**p they made up just cuz of the way they talk.

  6. If you are talking about the sound that I think you are talking about, it is called ululating.

    It is common in that part of the world and in east Africa.

  7. Lol "Rah he lah"

  8. I don't know the sound, but how you wrote it reminds me of the word Allah,(God in arabic)  which would make sense since that seems to be the reason for the killing in the first place; spiritual belief.

  9. They say "Allah Akbar". I'm guessing you got that from Family Guy. Yeah that's called ullulating.

  10. alalalallalroar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!alalala...

    somethin like that

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