
Does anyone know what the British Queen’s favourite TV programmes are?

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  1. the Royale Family ofcourse

  2. She likes coronation street.

  3. Is there anyone in the UK that doesn't watch Corrie?  LOL...Even I watch it and I'm not a native!  It's my "guilty pleasure"!

  4. News Article retrieved from Royal News 2003:

    Britain's Queen Elizabeth II will spend her summer holidays catching up on her favorite TV shows, it has been revealed. The monarch has stocked up on hit TV detective shows to watch while she is at Balmoral. The Queen favours the BBC's 'New Tricks', starring Dennis Waterman and James Bolan, and ITV's 'Midsomer Murders'. The Queen has also requested BBC comedy drama 'Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee'.

    According to the news article, "In life the Queen takes a serious interest in how the country works and the chemistry of the country. Watching television is actually the best way the Queen can get in touch with the country."

  5. corrie,,and documentarys,,and racing..mary.c.

  6. She likes coronation street, dunno why. Plus she watches the news.

  7. I read somewhere a very long time ago that the Queen's favourite television programmes include the long forgotten "Dixon of Dock Green". The tapes for the latest series of Doctor Who are usually loaned to the Queen so that She can watch them at Balmoral (you need something to do to while away a couple of months being stuck in scotland from September onwards). Her Majesty does watch Coronation Street but I don't know if it is a favourite. The Queen has also been a life long fan of the radio soap "The Archers".

  8. It has been widely reported that she loves Coronation Street

  9. Read in the paper she's quite partial to corrie ! (coronation street )

  10. Coronation street and horse racing.

  11. Spittin Image

    Bill & Ben

    Robin Hood

    Village of the Damned

    Capt Scarlet

  12. shes more into a bit of p**n but likes jack ***!

  13. Read somewhere couple of years ago that she loves Last of the Summer Wine.

  14. now i know for a fact that she is quite partial to dr who apart from that i dont know

  15. She likes  to watch the Graham Norton Show with most of her male staff  downstairs. lol

  16. i bet she watches the horse racing

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