
Does anyone know what the Keaton 5 is ?

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All i know is it involves McCain.




  1. It was part of the savings and loan scandal, McCain and four other senators were found to have put pressure on a federal investigator who was looking into a major campaign contributer involved in the scandal, to deter the investigation. McCain's response to this incident was to become a leading voice for campaign finance reform, cumulating in the McCain-Feingold bill.

  2. It is the Keating 5; spell check changes it to Keaton.

    As you probably know; the Keating 5 is a group of corrupt Senators who helped prop up Charles Keating, the owner of Lincoln Savings and Loan. His S & L collapse started the massive Savings and Loan bust of the 80's, which we are still paying for.

    These Senators helped make it happen and McCain is a memeber of this group.

    I believe the mainstream media will "discover" this just as soon as the general election starts. When they do it will help Hillary cakewalk to the Whitehouse


    Read all about it here. McCain really didn't do anything wrong. The real culprits were Cranston, DeConcini, and Riegle. McCain was really pulled into the investigation by Senate Democrats to make it look like a bipartisan scandal. Democrat John Glenn was pulled in b/c his level of involvement was the same as McCain's.

    In any case, he was cleared of actual wrongdoing but became a stallwart advocate for campaign finance reform from the experience.

    DASHLOC4 is dreaming. The Keating Five scandal is very old news. McCain was found guilty of no actual or intended impropriety. He was open and candid about the experience and made it a motivation for his ethics and finance reform agenda. McCain has as clean a rap sheet as anyone who has ever been in Washington as long as he has. Especially compared to Hillary.

  4. In 1989, the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association of Irvine, Calif., collapsed. Lincoln's chairperson, Charles H. Keating Jr., was faulted for the thrift's failure. Keating, however, told the House Banking Committee that the FHLBB and its former chief Edwin J. Gray were pursuing a vendetta against him. Gray testified that several U.S. senators had approached him and requested that he ease off on the Lincoln investigation. It came out that these senators had been beneficiaries of $1.3 million (collective total) in campaign contributions from Keating.

    This allegation set off a series of investigations by the California government, the United States Department of Justice, and the Senate Ethics Committee. The ethics committee's investigation focused on five senators: Alan Cranston (D-CA); Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ); John Glenn (D-OH); John McCain (R-AZ); and Donald W. Riegle, Jr. (D-MI), who became known as the Keating Five.

  5. Yes, I do.  A lot of other people do as well.

    If I thought your question was actually about getting information, I'd share it with you.

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