
Does anyone know what the current gas prices are in Montego Bay, Jamaica? I can't find them anywhere.?

by Guest33526  |  earlier

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Does anyone know what the current gas prices are in Montego Bay, Jamaica? I can't find them anywhere.?




  1. I've seen prices that range from $62-68 JA per liter of gas. So that is roughly $.90 US per liter or approximately $3.40 US for a gallon of gas.

  2. Take it from someone who lives here! gas prices are about the same anywhere in the island. So right now its approx. 62.58 for leaded gas and 64.72 for unleaded gas and for diesel it about 57.45

  3. Comparable to what is paid for a gallon in Southern California, United States

  4. $60 up

  5. According to the following site the gas prices in Jamaica are about double that in the U.S.  Unfortunately no date is given in the article.

    Driving in Jamaica can be an extremely frustrating chore. You must constantly be on guard -- for enormous potholes, people, and animals darting out into the street, as well as aggressive drivers. With a one-lane road encircling the island, local drivers are quick to pass other cars -- and sometimes two cars will pass simultaneously (inspiring the "undertakers love overtakers" signs seen throughout the island). Gas stations are open daily but accept cash only. Gas costs roughly double the price found in the United States. Driving in Jamaica is on the left, British-style.

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