
Does anyone know what the deal is with PASSPORTS?

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I know there is new regulations on passports....but i don't know what they are or if we need one even just to go to border of mexico...




  1. The first link (in the sources below) indicates that the passport issue is being pushed by Congress to be pushed up to the date of June of 2009.

    The second link indicates that if you travel by air (January 23, 2007), then you need one now.  If you drive, walk or take a cruise liner (however the cruise liner one can be debated by my sister who says she has to give one now even when going to Cancun) you're not suppose to need one until sometime during the summer of 2008.

    It doesn't say AFTER (it will not be AFTER but IN or DURING the summer of 2008 (as some indicate above)   It says sometime during the summer (to be determined), that the issue will be resolved.

    In that same link (under "about WHTI") it says there will given greater flexibility towards children.

    Just read the following info (this is directly copied from their website and is also in the the second link.  DHS and DOS EXPECT THE DATE OF FULL WHTI IMPLEMENTATION TO BE "IN" (NOT AFTER) THE SUMMER OF 2008. The precise implementation date will be "FORMALLY ANNOUNCED WITH AT LEAST 60 DAYS NOTICE".

    By January 31, 2008, you will need a government issued I.D. (such as your driver's license) and a birth certificate.

    Sounds as if it's just better to get a passport now to avoid all the hassles.

  2. I assume you're traveling from the US to Mexico and are a US citizen.

    If traveling by air you'll need a passport.

    If traveling by land or sea:

    -You'll need gov't photo id and proof of citizenship (e.g. a birth certificate) beginning Jan 31, 2008.

    -In the summer of 2008 you'll need a passport.

  3. So people know that you're allowed in other countries. You could be a serial killer. OR an escapee from jail. We don't know.

  4. Right now you do need a passport to FLY to and from Mexico.  You do not need a passport to travel to and from Mexico by LAND or  SEA until after SUMMER 2008.  You can go to the website below and read the top half of the page carefully for the CURRENT info.  Before next summer, the State Dep't. will make another announcement.

  5. yes, you now need a passport to go to Mexico.

  6. Wow, last time i went to Tijuana I just walked through a turnstile and I was in. No one even payed attention to who entered.

  7. I know you need them to go the Caribbean now, like for cruises, but not sure about Mexico. ...

  8. no you do not, not yet?$$$$$. Passports is a $money$ SCAM? for bush

  9. Try this website for information

    Right now you can cruise, drive,take a bus or walk and you don't need a passport. But changes are coming so check out the website.

    If you fly you will need a passport.

    Good Luck)

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