
Does anyone know what the internet is?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know anymore details. Sorry




  1. Type of fish!

  2. A labor of love and gift to humanity by the former vice president, presidential hopeful and rumored rightful heir to the throne, Al Gore.

  3. The information highway?

  4. What is the Internet?

    The Internet, in simplest terms, is the large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another. These computers are connected by phone lines, fiber optic lines, coaxial cable, satellites, and wireless connections.

    When you log on to the Internet you are given access to many of the other computers that are connected around the world.

  5. The internet is what you must be on to be posting this question on Yahoo Answers.

    The internet is a series of networked computers, which through the use of hardware (like circuit boards and memory chips) and software (operating systems, web browers) allow the computers and thus their users (people) to share information. (Sometimes this has been jokingly described by some as "the internet is a series of tubes"). The communication is done by electrons which can hold positive or negative charges, which translate into 1s or 0s. This 'binary code' language is the foundation that everything else is built on.

    The technology was originally developed by various government and university computer scientists. So the original purpose of the internet was more about problem-solving and communication between the elite who had access to computers. Eventually like all technology (printing press, phone, etc.) it evolves to incorporate as much human communication as possible. Technology improved and lowered costs, leading more people to gain access to easier to use computers. Thus the internet now is more a social and entertainment tool. As an quirky broadway musical puts it "the internet is for p**n".

    Basically the internet is whatever you want it to be. You can be a consumer, or a producer, You can ask questions, or answer them. You can interact with people you've never met, like me. Hopefully you can get the best answer to your question.

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