
Does anyone know what the lowest SAT score anyone got who got accepted to Penn State?

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my GPA is about a 3.5- 3.54 but my SAT scores were only in the 1500's... about a 1580 or so, do I even have a shot of getting in?




  1. I suggest you check out They have a tool that compares you with colleges all over the nation. Also, they have comprehensive college profiles that include the SAT scores and ranges of students. The main thing colleges look at is how well rounded you are-both academically and in your extracurriculars. But colleges really get to know applicants through their essays and recommendations. Don't do too many clubs, unless you know you can balance your schoolwork as well. Good luck!

  2. they'll show you the average and the lowest etc. and you'll get to see other people's profiles who got in and didnt get in.

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