
Does anyone know what the patriot act is??? specially all Bush supporters?? do you know what is in it.?

by  |  earlier

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I do because I've read it. But EVERYONE I ask has no clue what is in it, so my question is why do you therefore support it????????




  1. Yes I do. I was was listening to the bug the government has in your house when you were talking about it.

  2. Well gee maybe we should lock up our boarders and check every Cargo container instead of resorting to something that goes against the very principles of our country. It hasn’t been the Patriot Act that has kept us safe believe me anyone with half a brain can know that given the power and connections that Al Qaeda has they could have used nukes instead of planes that day and they still could at anytime. People I feel so ashamed at our actions committing torture, invading a country that was in no immediate threat to anyone based on a lie then leaving that country open for terrorists to come in and create a civil war which we also should not be a part of. And the worst  and most shameful thing of all spying on our own people! what does that say about are nation it say‘s our government doesn’t trust it‘s own people that they are willing to throw away everything to protect America by destroying what it stands for! Every time another person from a different country brings up our immoral unethical completely unconstitutional actions I want to break down and cry this is inexcusable our forefathers must be rolling in there graves right now. This can not be allowed to continue there are better ways and they must be found and implemented immediately or this country will not only lose it's admiration and respect from the world forever we will lose ourselves.

    To paraphrase the wise words from a Sci-fi character “Destroying a country to win a war is no victory and ending a battle to save a country is no defeat.”- Emperor Kahless (Star Trek)

  3. I realize it is potentially invasive to the general public, but considering why it was put in place, it is and has been extremely helpful in breaking up former terrorist cells in the US which has kept our country much safer. These Islamic radicals are very real and have been easily able to enter the US and set up shop. Their plans to cause mass destruction and kill as many innocent civillians is not dreamed up by Rove & Cheney just to scare people into letting them listen to our phone conversations, and so far we have not been hit again. I don't think it has been abused, and if it ever is, the people in this country, and the liberal press would make such a commotion it would cost politicians their jobs if they continued to support it.

    Try looking into some of the extreme measures the FDR administration took after Pearl Harbor, or even worse, how the Kennedy brothers used the FBI to spy on civillians like MLK who posed no threat to the US.


    The belief that there is/was no threat to every major city in our country and that the Patriot Act did nothing more than to invade everyones privacy is extremely naive. Did you know that most European countries such as France and England have much more invasive laws?

    AlQaida is severely crippled right now because of us bringing the war to them and using intelligence tactics like the Patriot Act. While we haven't captured Bin Laden or Al Zwahiri, they have both been relegated to living in hiding, impotent and unable to do anything more than release threatening video tapes from a cave in the mountains of Pakistan. The war on terror has been ugly, long and full of mistakes, but all in all I have no doubt that he have devastated and crippled an otherwise very widespread network of extremely evil people who, while they may not have been targeting your neigborhood or your house, would certainly use every means at their disposal if left unchecked to cripple and devastate this country that I care about.

  4. Are you serious? McSame? That's pretty lame.

  5. I know what's in it and I don't support it, Bush, or McSame.

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