
Does anyone know what the phone call and emails Palin made and the Alaskan investigators have on Trooper Gate?

by Guest33448  |  earlier

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CNN's Larry King aired that the investigator in Alaska has compelling evidence against Palin attempting to fire her ex-brother-in-law. Does anyone know what was said and done in this phone call and emails?




  1. The Public Safety Commissioner put the Governor into this position by refusing to fire a State Trooper that had tasered his own stepson and threatened members of the Governors family with physical harm.

    What was she to do? Let this goon keep on going with his abuse. She stepped up and tried to fix an impossible situation. And now she has to answer for trying to do the right thing instead of the legal thing. And people that know nothing of this woman's character are going to crucify her too. If she had just up and put a couple of rounds into this SOB she'd be hailed as a hero for protecting her family. But she made a technical mistake and tried to have him dismissed instead.

  2. Palin at first denied any involvement of her or her staff....then, she said that 'maybe' some of her staff did it without her knowledge. Just today, she hired a private lawyer. I know there is a audio on youtube where one of the calls was recorded or one of the people who made the calls was recorded saying he made the calls....that guy is on Palin's staff...or was. There was, reportedly, pressure on the safety commissioner to fire wooten....who had already been reprimanded for any charges against him. B/C Wooten was not fired, reportedly, Palin fired the safety commissioner, replacing him with a guy who was not qualified and who had to be removed just a few days later....that guy got a 10,000 severence package...on the taxpayers dime.

  3. heres a video of her being asked about it on a news channel.

    she sure doesnt seem to be worried about it at all.  this was shortly before the vp choice it looks like as they are talking about her possibly being selected also.

  4. Palin should have mailed her daughter and told her to keep her legs closed for a short time more.What a morally messed up VP.

  5. Can you say "Travelegate"???? Move on ... you are barking up the wrong tree ....

    Can you say Tony Rezco????

    See where I am going with this .....???

  6. Her staff pressured the Public Safety Commissioner, the man who controls staff, to fire her Sister's Ex-Husband. Her office made at least 2 dozen contacts with the Public Safety Commissioner about the firings, which is definitely "pressuring" in my book, though she says it's not. One of the 24+ phone calls, almost a half hour in length, was recorded and released. You can find it at the second source I listed.

  7. She is subject to going to jail for what she did. Oops! She knew that coming into this situation with McCain, so, I guess McCain was trying to save his little fantasy maker.

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