
Does anyone know what the pop culture definition of Intersexual is?

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I meant this kid who insisted he was an intersexual; which confused me. See every thing I know of intersexuals is that it is the pc term for those born with both genitals. This kid though claimed that it includes those that are confused for being the other gender. That I am aware those people are considered androgenous.

Can anyone help me? Do you know a different source I can read that I may not know of? Serious answers only; please.




  1. well: accordingly to "Gender  Women's  Study it should be

    Answers Social Science also basically normal but please! don't ask

    about it because that question might get reported in

    also you could be suspended  l AM Soo Sorry & My dear friend

    yourself must understand no I Can't answer this but maybe

    try Community Service has answers Society Culture

    or Other -Society Cultures & Groups best choices for better effort

    go towards Psychology and recive some Counsciling I would reccomend ok ? don't report me in too I know abuse sounds serrious

    and it gets me very upset also I Am not wrong  

  2. Does pop culture even HAVE a definition of intersexual? I haven't seen that word anywhere in the mainstream media lately. But according to the American Heritage Dictionary:

    "Intersexual, adjective: Having both male and female characteristics, including in varying degrees reproductive organs, secondary sexual characteristics, and sexual behavior, as a result of an abnormality of the s*x chromosomes or a hormonal imbalance during embryogenesis."

    EDIT: I don't think it'll make much of a difference to a whole lot of people. But if he wants to be completely accurate, yes, he should be tested.

  3. Intersexual means that someone that did not develop in-utero male/female organs or genitalia. For example, a woman could be born with no uterus or ovaries. Someone could be born with ambiguous genitalia meaning that it can't be clearly determined whether or not they are male or female.

  4. Intersex is most often known as an organism that presents biological characteristics of both sexes recognized by western medicine (male/female). However, it goes beyond this.

    In many cultures there is what is known as a third gender, and some Native cultures also have individuals who are two-spirited.

    Intersex is not strictly based on biological characteristics but on behaviour and identity.

    Someone can identify as a gender that is different from the one they were assigned at birth. Even though they don't have any physical or biological characteristics of the "opposite s*x" they can identify as and therefore be considered intersexual.

    Therefore, although some tests can reveal an empirical definition of intersexual, the person may still not identify as such (ex.: someone can be born male, have male genitalia and identify as male and find out one day during a medical test that they have female chromosomes and still decide to continue their life as male rather than intersex). Someone can also identify as intersexual even if there are no tests to support this. For example, a person who was born female, has female genitalia and lives as a woman can feel like a man on the inside and still not want to change their clothing, lifestyle or their body to match this identity, and identify as intersexual. If they passed a test it may not show characteristics of both sexes, but s*x is not just biology, it is also behaviour and identity, which cannot be tested in a lab.

    This is why you cannot and should not expect to test someone to find out if they are intersexual. It is an identity and anyone can claim it. If someone you know has claimed this identity, though it may be confusing to you, you can ask them what this means to them rather than asking around for a pop culture definition, since it is different for each individual and the pop culture definition may not apply to them.


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