
Does anyone know what the star trek 2009 movie is about?

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i have no clue what this movie is about! Is it on Picard, Kirk, Janeway..




  1. It is the EARLY days when Kirk, Spock and Bones are in and just getting out of the Academy

  2. It's a prequel to the first Star Trek show.  Early days of James T. Kirk.  When the crew of the Enterprise was young.  

    The cast and the director has me excited!  Zachary Quinto as Spock?!  Killer!

  3. Unfortunately no familiar charactors from the Next Generation are going to be in this.  It starts with Nero, a Romulan renegade, wanting ultimate revenge on Starfleet and the federation, so he decides to go back in time to kill Starfleets most honored and decorated officer...Captain James T. Kirk.  Ambassador Spock finds out about this and travels back in time to stop Nero.

    From what I understand, this will cover several time periods in no particular sequence, and it does not necessarily focus on Kirk and Spocks first meeting, or academy days.  Even though it will feature all of the original series charactors, this will be very much a Spock centered story.  There will apparently be a very interesting scene where to two Spocks mind meld.

  4. i believe it's a prequel:

    it's apparently about when kirk graduates the academy and goes on his first deep space assignment

  5. It's a chronicle of the early days of James T. Kirk and his fellow USS Enterprise crew members.  

  6. I don't think there has been an offical statement on the plot of the movie. From looking at web sites I can tell you thats its based on when Kirk and Spock met and they go on their first mission together. Its going to have a part when Kirk cheats on the test that was mentioned in Star Trek II (I can't spell the name of the test). Some how Lenard Nimoy plays Spock as well and some how he chases a Romulan guy named Nero through time to prevent a disaster or somthing. Its going to be a begining of a string of movies. This is like rumored information though. From the sounds of things I think this movie is going to suck. I'll probably end up seeing it when it's out on May 8, 2009. They should of went with sequels instead.

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