
Does anyone know what their temperment is like? Easy 10 points!?

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Im planning on getting a 9 week old Jack Russell. I was just wondering how they are with children and if they're good with potty training. Any one who owns one please give me some input as to what kind of dogs they are.

Your answers will be very helpful!

Thanks so much!




  1. I had a jack russel!

    i am 14 and i got it when i was 5 it was a really loyal dog really nice natured and everything they do have lots of energy and love to play with toys and chew rope and stuff.

    but they are good with children.

    I do suggest you get a younger one so you can train it from word go maybe a 6-7 wk old.

    If you do get a 9wk old one start training it straight away so i gets used to everything at a young age!

    Wonderful dogs!

    they are pretty easy to train and can be fast learners.

    hope i helped

  2. A Jack Russel is actually considered one of the top three (the third to be exact) most agressive breed of dog. However a long as you are up to the challenge, no dog can't be a stable balanced, sweet and loving dog. They just need more attention and training than your average dog.

    My mother had one, named Jack, so original lol. Anyways, he was a good dog, he wanted to kill the mailman, but other than that he loved everyone. He was a little on the weird side and I could never predict what he was going to do, but no one that I know of was ever bitten and he was just a handful with all that energy. So if you plan on training yours well and are going to give him/her lots and lots of play every day to unwind all that energy I say go for it, but if you can't provide that, you need to consider another breed.

  3. Jack Russell Terriers are VERY hyper. They chew on lots of stuff, too. They're hard to train, but I think they'd be good with children.

  4. jack russells literally jump off walls and chew on everything in sight. they are very hard to train because of all their energy. they are soooo hyper and they dont get along well with small children because they will knock them down and be rough with them. and once they get older they are just gonna be as hyper. why dont you get  a little mutt from the pound ? those are the best puppies to get =]

  5. Jack Russell's are the same as any dog.  If you pick the right puppy, and train it properly, it will behave the way you want it too.  When viewing the puppies, try not to take the first that comes to you (aggressive) or the one that stays back (fearful).  Try to choose one that will sniff you, then accept you.  

    Also Jack Russell's are among the most intelligent dogs, so it is difficult to keep their attention when training them.  They must be challenged to learn.

  6. OMG!! They might be cute, but they are sooooooo hyper and crazy. Two of my aunts have them, and one of them has bit my daughter twice already. They aren't good with kids at all!! The dog has friggin' ADD. The potty training is easy though. i wouldn't recommend em'. My aunts would though, they love em.

  7. Jack Russell Terriers are super smart, super stubborn and have enough energy to light a small city.

    Veterinarians (lovingly) call them Jack Russell Terrorists.  LOL!

    You have to be firm and consistent.

    This dog will go to amazing lengths to get it's own way.  It will constantly test boundaries and will constantly demand you obey him and follow his every command.

    You have to have an outlet for all that energy.  No question about it.  HOURS of hard running every single day!  If you don't, they LITERALLY bounce off the walls!!!  I'm not kidding.  The games bored, over energized dogs come up with are nothing pleasant, nothing cheap, and nothing you want to come home to after a long day at work.  

    Look around for dog "sports".  Flyball is just about the best thing for JRT.  So are "Earthdog" competitions and agility.

    It's a toss up on how they do with kids.  Some of them are excellent companions.  Energy levels match and they tire each other out.  Some can be snappish and not like anything out of their control.  (As in, the kid is the slave and there's no telling the dog differently.  LOL!)

    They're excellent pets for the right people.  Fun loving, cuddly, funny and entertaining.

    You have to be FIRM and willing to make this dog behave.

    You have to be smart.  He'll out-wit you at least once before you learn his ways.

    You have to be consistent.  Give him an inch, he'll take a mile.

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