
Does anyone know what this is? Really??

by  |  earlier

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ok so im a little nervous to ask but im gonna ask anyway. ive been having this feeling time to time that theres is someone other than me in my room.well, this has recently grown. the thing is is that im not ever scared though. i never am. in fact i feel strangely safe. yesterday night i heard someone walking through my room, but when i looked around nothing was there. sometimes i randomly wake up at night and feel as if someone is there next to me. when i turn around no one is there. What is this???




  1. It may be the spirit of a loved one who has passed before you and is just keeping an eye on you.  If you don't feel anything negative from it then just say hi and ask if it wants to talk.  Sometimes they will.  

  2. Well, personally, i don't really believe in so called spirits but sometimes these things happen.. it's just your psychological thinking because we tend to be afraid of the unknown.

    I used to be really scared of 'ghosts' because of all the horror movies I'd watched but i now don't watch it anymore coz it then sets my imagination wild when I'm alone!

       anyway i hope it helped. if this keeps going on ask someone else to sleep with you in the same room and ask them if they felt it.

  3. id pee in my pants

  4. Normally, it takes a bit of time for the spirit of one who has passed over to find a way back to the physical world. This is one reason why seances are sometimes unsuccessful...the entity they are trying to communicate with has not learned how to return to our plane. If this is a family member who has passed over, try to think back on somebody who died at least 2 or 3 years ago, somebody you shared a special bond with. Was there a triggering event that led to the first time you sensed this entity? Do you find they are around at a specific time of the day? Or when you concentrate on something specific?

    Sometimes ancestors will return just to check up on the descendents or with a specific message but if the visits are recurring - happening with a regularity - there is usually some kind of message that needs to be passed on. What makes it difficult, is that normally a living and breathing person has little or no skills to determine this.

    Another option that may be realistic is that this is one of your guides making their presence known. That never happens until the person is ready...they have to be sufficiently open-minded. It's never a bad thing to examine what has changed in your life - your general outlook, your dreams for the future, how you regard the spiritual aspect of yourself, new information that has caused you to regard things differently, a new friend in your life or even seeing somebody else going through a difficult time - to determine why this has begun happening.

    Too often, those d**n paranormal shows on TV instantly assume that every entity is malevolent or evil and out to injure us...that close-minded attitude really annoys me. There is good news for you, though. You have a gift known as clairsentience which is simply an ability to detect energy. I've included a link below to provide you with some understanding of this ability and how you can train yourself so it is more effective for you.

    You are likely very interested in the 'who' and 'why' of this entity making itself known to you? I would suggest that you begin by doing a bit of dream programming. Before you go to sleep at night, request that they communicate with you while you dream and help with remembering when you wake up. Pay close attention to your thoughts and any unusual urges that you find yourself having (within reason...if the entity is not harmful, as you feel within yourself, it will never suggest that you do anything that will impinge on your morals or ethics or cause injury in any form to yourself or another) and follow up on them. They may seem insignificant like browsing a local bookstore, giving somebody a call you haven't spoken to in awhile or following an interest that you've put off or don't know where to start to learn about.

    My main point is that your experiences are not are being presented with an opportunity to learn and grow. It's never a bad thing to request that the right people and resources come along to help you with understanding and learning. Try not to cave into peer or family know what you know, period. This is not in your mind or the product of an overactive imagination so don't buy into that for a second. You also mentioned that you could hear somebody walking in your room and this is known as clairaudience, which is also explained in the link below. Does anybody else hear this? If not, this will likely be your primary means of communication with the spirit realm and this entity. And it can't be ruled out that you may be a budding medium...I am but my main abilities are clairvoyance and claircognizance so the messages I receive from my guides are normally visual in nature. Your abilities are somewhat different but no less effective, if you can learn how to use them.

    Sorry for the length of this answer...the point I wanted to stress was that if this is happening fairly regularly, you really need to follow up on it. It doesn't happen to everybody and you're being given a clear message to examine this in detail. It's a bonus point that you feel no animosity from this entity. Many times, people experience the other end of the scale and recieve visitations from not-so-friendly beings to wake them up. The three scenarios, as far as what this being is, are most likely (a) a loved one who has passed over and is returning to visit or assist in awakening you;(b) one of your spirit guides who is making their presence and your abilties known; (c) a spirit who is attached to the building or room that you live in or spend a lot of time in.

    Take a look at what has happened or changed in the last year or so, in your life. A family member of friend who has passed over may only recently have found a way to return and communicate with you with any consistancy. But you'll never be sure unless you take some steps to learn how to use your gifts effectively. One way that I've found to stimulate my own abilities is to use my intution in non-threatening but verifiable situations. Set aside a few minutes of quiet time, concentrate on one person that you know. Try to determine any emotions, feelings or images and symbols that swim into your conscious mind. To verify, simply ask the person at a later time. You may not be totally correct but as you apply it even more, you'll begin to get very attuned to the energies of others. Intuition is a psychic ability that we all have to some degree and it's important that you trust yours, especially at this time. No matter how strange or impossible something may seem, trust your gut instinct. I think you already have an idea of who is visiting do not sense any type of malevolence and this is an important factor.

    I've included a final link below to help you understand a bit about what a medium actually is, written by a person with the same abilties as you. Trust your gut but open your mind...if something resonates inside you as you read, make a note to get more information about it. What is happening to you is totally about you and being set in motion by this visiting spirit. How you choose to progress is up to you. If you want answers, you are the one who can supply them, if you're willing to do a bit of work.

  5. maybe theres a spirit trying to protect or tell u sumthing try to talk to it or tell sum one that deal wit this stuff

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