
Does anyone know what this word means "multislacking" means?

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I will post the answer, later, if no one get it! Thanks!




  1. I'm not sure if there is an opposite to multitasking.  Perhaps it's the same as multidelegating?  

  2. that's not a word???

    ive looked it up in the dictionary and its not there

  3. Having two or more non-work related web pages, open on your work computer, at one time.

    Word of the Year: MultiSlacking

    Example: I’ve got eight open windows on two LCDs while I talk on my cell phone and let the land line take a message I’ll probably never listen to. I’m using a Blackberry to monitor a phony MySpace profile I set up to probe another phony MySpace profile, and I’m doing a Google map mashup of ex-girl friends’ dwellings and the Zodiac killer’s murder sites.

    Then this guy comes in and he’s saying something, seems pretty excited, but I can’t hear because I can’t nav my cell phone and ‘Berry and get my V-moda ear buds out cuz my beer hat’s in the way–hey, that’s my boss! The weekend just goes by so fast!

    Now that’s MultiSlacking.

  4. Haven't heard that word before, but gee it describes my partner perfectly.  He is slack in soo many and varied ways - thanks for giving me a new name to call him!

  5. im pretty sure its not a real word but if it is maybe it means slacking more than once at a time idk

  6. Seriously it is a made up word. However, in a similar vein to multi-tasking (for which it may actually be an antonym) it means wasting time at work surfing several pages on the internet.

  7. i think its a play on multitasking, but with leisure activities, like playing video games with a sports game on a 2nd tv on silent (i have an ex bf who did this) or playing computer games and im-ing at the same time.

  8. Similar to multi-tasking with computers - but multi-slacking means engaging in many small activities at once, none of which are productive. Usually, but not always, involving a computer and its applications (iTunes, AIM, You Tube, etc.), can also include watching movie or TV show, listening to the radio, talking or texting on the phone, or any other ultimately non-productive activity.

    Usage: That dude was multi-slacking like mad when he should have been working.

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