
Does anyone know what to spend £200 on ?

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I have been looking at lots of different things that i like and then find somthing better im not sure what to buy im 13




  1. A games console, you can have the best adventures ever with a games console. I've been gaming all my life, it rocks.

  2. put it into a high interest savings account, invest in some shares(now is the perfect time to buy shares as the market is low, so pick a firm you know will bounce back from the credit crunch and buy a load of their shares at rock bottom prices and watch your money grow!). dont waste your money on computer games, theres no need and it wont help you in the long run.

  3. A new hobby? A bmx or guitar? A cheap laptop or MP3 (ipod touch)? Or just save it for the weekends and buy whatever you want, clothes etc.  

  4. i would save it until you see something good that comes along because every time i have money i blow it then when there's something i need ain't got the money

  5. Look at Landkiting or boardkiting or windsurfing im just starting it up its brill dont buy a game sytem or a gimmic get out there and havre fun believe me you will eventually get bored of a console and there will always be new ones that you will have to keep up with. Just find an extreme sport that you will like. Its much more satisfying. E-mail me if you want more info.

  6. just save it then buy something better when you see something you like  

  7. do not join wow or any stuff like that. i would personally save up and buy some evisu jeans or rmc jeans.

    or just probably buy new shoes  

  8. World of Warcraft and a few months subscription

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