
Does anyone know what vocal exercises Beyonce does to warm up her voice before a show?

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I want to be a singer. I haven't had any vocal lessons. Beyonce is a really great singer. I know that she has had vocal lessons but what does she do before a show to warm up her voice. I have never heard her go out of tune. Thank you!




  1. Well, I really don't know what vocal exercises she does, but I do know that she has her dressing room kept at a 78 degree temperature to maintain her voice. Otherwise, I don't know.

  2. yes my uncle is her body gaurd and she gargels with salt water and dose do re me fa so la ti do she also has a voice instructer i think his nane is tedo or tydo i cant remember i hope this helped

  3. Im not sure about beyonce but ive been taking lessons for 5 years and these have worked!

    .tongue twisters-help with fast song pernouncing

    .do-ra-me-fa-so-la-di-do-help with moving froma low note to high

    .Burping-helps get out accsess air

    .funny faces-help get out the laughs

    .breathing-breath fast...then realy slow...then realy fast

    HOPE THIS HELPS,Hope you make it far in broad way byes

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