
Does anyone know what was thought to be astrologically significant about Jesus' birth?

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Whether you're christian or not, do you know what the astrologers in those days thought was significant about the birth time of Jesus? What aspects and placements do you think they saw in his birth chart?

Does anyone know a website or anything where this is discussed?




  1. This movie has fantasic information on this and many other things:

  2. Mixing myths makes meaningless miasmas.

  3. That information has been lost to man for too long for anyone to have a good idea...or even an exact one for that matter...

    Most people believe it was when the North Star was at its brightest and closest to the earth...good luck trying to find an exact date and time as well!

    The Birth of Jesus was celebrated - originally (for mass celebration) on January 8,....then was changed to December 25....the church actually changed the date of celebration to overthrow the Pagan holiday of the Winter's Solstice....

    No one really knows the exact date and time of the birth of Jesus...the place of birth is a mystery as well! Nothing has ever been proven -

    Hope that helped!

  4. Here is a website for one theory, with Jesus' birth being in December but His conception happening in Virgo...:

    Here are a few more links: (Jan 8) (March 1)

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