
Does anyone know what would cause sharp pains in your head?

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I have been having sharp pains in my head for a while now along with numbness in my head, sometimes it feels like there is something bubbling in there...and muscle spasms (like a certain muscle twitching like crazy for a while. that stops and starts again for 5 or so minutes) ....I do wear glasses but it doesn't matter if I wear them or not, I still get these pains.

I used to have seizure disorder when I was young. started when I was 9 and ended when I was 13. they could never find a cause.

Does anyone know what would cause this?




  1. A knock on the head by a blunt or sharp object. Or, short burst of overwhelming pain continuing in continuous bursts, e.g, lots of needles sticking into you one by one. Something like that, or an old knock on the head that has hit the central part of the brain. Following that, if you shake your head too wildly, it would also hurt.

  2. You really should go to the doctor for a check up.

    If your glasses are the correct prescription and you have recently had your eyes tested then that rules out the glasses.

    Do you spend too long in front of a computer or TV, if you do take a break for a while and see if it helps the head.

    good luck

  3. Poppet could you not take yourself to the Doctor!

    Head Pains that are constant need Professional help.

    What you describe could be any number of things that can easily be treated.

    But a correct diagnosis is essential.

    Try talking to your Mum again,otherwise Book your own appointment,you can not be expected to Live with this. Especially at your tender age.

    Good Luck Sweetheart.x

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