
Does anyone know when American Idol is coming back? ?

by  |  earlier

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i know they r filming the auditions now

which makes me curious if its going to be back late fall




  1. Mid season (January). Always has before anyways.

  2. Hopefully it doesn't come back. That show is trash.

  3. Amrican Idol is coming bock on Junuary 15 2009

  4. The new season will start in January

  5. January

  6. Of course. The piece of c**p is immortal.

  7. Jan.. I think

  8. I hope never.

    But probably fall... BECAUSE IT NEVER DIES!!!

  9. I think early to mid sept

  10. Check it out>>>>

  11. I think the auditions already started in july but the show will start January!=]

  12. AI Always starts late Jan or Early Feb ( just in time for  The  Big Feb and May Ratings Sweeps) so 2009

    - their offical site will have the exact date in a couple of months

  13. it will start when it always does, jan 08

  14. Jan.

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