
Does anyone know when John Mayer will be going on a full tour next?

by  |  earlier

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I like him for his music, not for his personal life.




  1. When he breaks up with Jennifer Aniston?

  2. After he releases another album.

    I'm on his site right now & he is still touring. 8 more places to go & its done with I'm guessing. Unless he decides to add more dates.

    Here's the link.

    Hope this helps.


  3. Well, right now, he is really weighted down by his ego.

    So I guess when he jumps off his cloud.

    That's when he'll tour again.

  4. when he decide no to suck...

  5. wait, isn't he on a full summer tour now?

  6. Who cares, he sucks

  7. Well there broken up so I guess you should keep a look out but personally I can't stand that AZZ ~ he is so arrogant and ugly

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