
Does anyone know when Webkinz will open My Page on the things to do list?

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I saw the Webkinz " My Page " on and i want to know when it will officialy open. HELP!

My Webkinz user name is SidTheKidcom




  1. Webkinz is having a hard time making My Page show up for everyone. Some people can go to it though I did once then later it wasn't there anymore. Right now Webkinz World is trying to make it show up for everyone but it could be awhile.

  2. Well, for me it appeared like a week or two ago, but then it was gone for a few days. But now it's back, but my friends never got his back. So I think it's kind of off and on right now, there must be some bugs or something. Just keep your eyes open =]

  3. It was up on my to do list for two days and then it was gone! Everyone will love it! It tells you what your friends have been up to, like it old me that my friend adopted a pet! You can even look at others page!

  4. We have 4 accounts in our house.  No one has the "My Page" except me.  It's really cool :)

  5. Ok well its supposed to be open on all accounts by now but it still has a few glitches. So everyone should get it in the next couple days. And if your one of the unlucky people who haven'tt gotten kinzchat either then that should be here in almost two weeks for EVERYONE but I'm not completely sure.  

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