
Does anyone know when it will be hot and sunny again like a few weeks ago?

by  |  earlier

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seems like winter in london at the moments it not normal for this time of year,a few years ago in june it snowed




  1. In England the weather is unpredictable.

    I think that hot week or so WAS our 2008 and summer.

  2. I wouldn't complain.  I live in the eastern united states and it has been very hot for the past week. I would love to see snow right about now. Be careful what you wish for is all i can say.

  3. I have heard that it is going to start warming up today and become warmer for the weekend.  We should have nice warm weather for at least the next week.  The weather forcasters (?) reckon we are going to have flaming June but July and August will be mostly wet and warm.  This is for the south and east of England,by the way.

  4. right now if you live in Luton,Bed's

  5. when i walked to college today the sun came out air was a nice temp maybe we'll hav nice weather later on today fingers crossed!

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