
Does anyone know when the new anti-p****y law for music is coming in (UK)?

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I'm not sure if it's anywhere else in the world, but theres a new law-thing where if you're caught downloading music illegally, you get three written warnings and then are cut off from the internet. At least 4 major ISPs have signed up (BT, Virgin media, Orange and Tiscali) that I know of.

Question is: If I download some music for my holiday (on Saturday) and the law hasn't came in, will it still count for a warning? And does anyone have any ideas when it's coming in?




  1. Can't have been introduced yet, as I'm sure it would be on the news alot more.

  2. Sorry,i have no idea,it has been in the pipeline for quite some time now,but what i would like to say is i wouldn't worry too much,i think the anti-p****y laws are not really intended for people that download an occassional album or film from the internet,but it's intended to halt the people that are unscrupulously MASS downloading for commercial gain.

  3. I hope they arrest Simon Cowell for murdering so many of the classic songs with his boy bands and girly bands.

  4. depends if the law effects events in the past. which i utterly doubt would even be possible.

    simple solution don't use those 4 isp's. i certainly NEVER will.

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