
Does anyone know when the world is going to end?

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Does anyone know when the world is going to end?




  1. I have heard from several people that it is said to end in 2012. However, look at all the mess people got into over Y2K and then  make your decision.

  2. According to my beliefs, when the entire world agrees on one religion and follows it faithfully, we will all be brought to heaven together.

  3. Thursday, June 18th 2034 and 6:32 PM Eastern standard time.

    Don't take my word for it, look it up on wikipedia.

  4. No but hopefully not on my Friday off, that would really mess up my plans.

  5. nope.

  6. somebody say about 500.000 years later from today...

  7. Of course,when the sun stops shining.

  8. 2012

  9. Yes I do, I can put you on my mailing list so that I can make sure that you are one of the ones who gets the memo if you would like???  lol j/k

  10. Not trying to be mean but who the h**l would know when the world ends i dont even know if the scientists know that for a fact.....

  11. The moment you die the world ends for you...

  12. I heard that it is gonna in 2012. becaause the guy who predicted 9/11 wuz right. so he predicted that is gonna end in 2012 and i believe him.

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